
Police Brutality (George Floyd comment)

2020-05-31 8:22:01

I was not sure if I do this. But I think it's the right thing to do. I was the victim of police brutality in my hometown in Germany multiple times. I was ending up handcuffed. I was put into custody several times and I spent time in jail, I was beaten and abused because of police brutality. The law in Germany is clear. if you go to court, the person who has more witnesses is more likely to win. A police officer has more weight than a civilian.

The police brutality happens, because within police departments they form gangs. They go out together and bully people.
In the case in USA, where policemen go out and shoot black people. It is not the white people who hate black people. Those policemen who commit the crimes are gangs inside the police. The police in the USA is armed to the teeth. So it's no wonder why police gangs go out and use those guns. This has nothing to do with the color of people's skin. There are also as many black policemen committing the same crimes.

Just because of selective reporting, this will not be shown in the media. The problem is that bullies like to become policemen. People who have inferiority complexes but once put in a uniform they can become authorities.

This does not mean all policemen are bullies. The majority does a decent job. They are helpful and just want to do the best they can. Just because some policemen commit a horrible crime, it does not mean that all policemen are evil. Then to blame it on skin color also makes no sense. If whites hated non whites so much. Why don't we see any Chinese or lets say South Indians who are as black as Africans shot and killed? Because they are not brainwashed by the media into a "Fuck The Police" state of mind.

It makes no sense to riot in the streets and cause damage to innocent people. If the people want to show discontent, they should demonstrate at that particular police office or at the courthouse where the people who caused the mess work. What again is happening is a media Psy op. Emotionalize one group of people and then let them fight the other group. While the hidden hand in the background (The people who own the media) always profits from the chaos.

Frank Derdak with his colleagues Tiedemann, Hansen and Oestreich have bullied me for several years. Until I had to leave the country after a final confrontation. After everything that happened I do not hate people with white skin color. I do not hate people who's name is Frank and for all these things that happened I don't hold anybody responsible apart from Officer Frank Derdak. It were his actions, not the actions of every white person on this planet



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