Words of Wisdom German Unity Day
2018-10-04 14:34:46
I should have written this yesterday, but I make it today. On the day of German Unity I want to dedicate this to all my eastern German friends. There was a time i was speaking badly about eastern Germany and I want to use this media here to make an apology. 20 years ago I automatically called all eastern Germans racist and ignorant. I even refused to speak to many. I was very stubborn in my belief and I ignored voices of friends who told me I'm going too far. of course this also comes from a series of bad experiences i have made over the past with incidents of racists who were threatening me or my family for our lives. What I didn't understand was, that they were shielded from the world for many years. They did not make the same experiences which most people made in the west and it took some time in China for me to understand why they generally lean to the right politically. First of all they are our brother's and sisters. They are from the same country. What they experienced and we didn't is a system of communism. Communism is the most inhumane system in the world. I don;t want to argue otherwise. Communism is fascism and only party members benefit from the system. individualism and your personal dreams have no place in it. What the government says is the truth and whatever else you think is the truth. The people of eastern Germany stood strong against oppression. Against a totalitarian system and won. They broke through the wall. We in the west never had such a challenge, because we enjoyed a much better political environment. While the easterners were struggling in coal mines for no pay, we in the west had it all. Still it was them to get adapted to our lifestyle and they also brought a lot of skepticism to our political system. Nowadays more then ever politics has shifted to an oppressive system which wants to control thought and opinion. Censorship and media control are just a few hints in this direction. We have orchestrated incidents of alleged terrorism. And the government has opened the borders for the sake of making a couple of more arms deals in unstable countries. To be critical of all this doesn't make you a bad person. We should better watch who is there to divide us into different political camps. Who profits when Germans and German foreigners are separated. East and West and most significantly Man and Woman. It's not about your own tribe. Look at what happens, when everything becomes politicized. I was lucky to live in post Deng Xiao Ping's China. I would argue a national socialist nation, where the government worked hard on improving the life of their citizens. Where the people worked hard and were able to build a better future for themselves. The last thing people want here is to go back to old communism. I was able to see why. To cut a long story short. No matter what the situation is like. Talk to the people on the other side. Don't block the contact. Look for dialogue over partisanship. And please don't believe the hype on the media, who are just there to cause separation. One Luv. |
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