Words of Wisdom

My last post on my facebook account

2021-01-07 9:10:39

This is my last post on this facebook account.
By the end of the day I will delete all my accounts.
I might open another one, but only for business and

We are approaching a very stupid time. So stupid that
a simple heart like this here will be re-labeled a symbol
of hate. We have forces that will make a heart change
into a symbol of oppression, of gender suppression
a long term symbol of exclusion for homosexuals,
queers and transhumans. A symbol of an old flesh and
bone imperfect type of body. It's not vegan, It's not CO2
conform. And last but not least the heart symbol is
outdated in regards of hygiene. From now on we favor
sterility. Sterility means we do social distancing, we wear
masks, we unfriend problematic friends, we have
factcheckers, we will get a social points system too.
It will make it much more convenient for them to remind
us what is right or wrong. All powered by AI. So no need
to use our own brains anymore. Let's become obsolete
just like this heart. Call every person who has a little love
left in their heart for their friends, their family, their country
racists. Everybody who still has a dream an egomaniac.
We are nearing a time of thought policing of thought
crimes. Books will be burned and content is being removed
from the internet. First only things which could have
quaestionable origina, later anything against corporate
and state interest will be subject of censorship.

A simple heart will become the symbol of hatred in a woke
environment. I do refuse to label myself left or right winger.
I am not a conservative, But for the mainstream which moves
further to the left I am already a right winger.
Thais is all going into the wrong direction. All I ever did.
I love freedom and all my choices are based on freedom and
love. Once some authoritarian system is selling us security
for giving up our rights, I am not part of this. Never will.



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I am no longer on facebook
I do not support censorship.

My Youtube is still existing
I just don't have access to
google anymore.

This website was built and programmed by Asher Sommer. 1000% copyright Asher Sommer 2010