
My switch to raw foods

2018-05-20 13:28:35

I made this a trial at the beginning of this year and it works very well so far. I thought about this some time ago, when I quit eating cooked vegetables. I think nothing beats the flavor of some fresh cucumber or tomato. So why would we want to destroy it by cooking. It does not make any sense to me. We also don’t cook fruits like apples or oranges. Of course a lot of vegetables are not digestible if they are uncooked. But maybe we should not eat those anyway? Once we cook our food there are several factors we need to think about. First with increased heat, very likely to go beyond the boiling point of water, there are a lot of chemical reactions taking place.
Chemical reactions always have byproducts. Then another factor is the material of the cooking container. Don’t think that the material of a frying pan like Teflon does not go into a chemical reaction with the fried food. We already know that frying changes vegetable oil into trans fatty acids. Every kind of oil has a different burning point. So it is very likely cooked or fried food will also contain many of these trans fatty acids, which the body cannot use. Then there is the water. Most people use Tap water. Despite governments are making claims tap water is totally safe, the opposite is true. I will make this another topic on this website soon to show what is remaining after the water distillation process. Also these chemicals are added to the mix and they are becoming part of a very dirty chemical reaction which is in cooking.
When I quit eating carbohydrates and all kinds of processed foods I lost around 15 Kilos. I went down from 83 kilos to 68 kilos.
Showing ,that carbohydrates, are a big factor in malnutrition. After that I cut out all cooked vegetables and I lost another 3 kilos and a lot of belly fat. After seeing this I started thinking.
I really started thinking. Why do we burn our food?
Science claims it kills bacteria. This is something I could debunk much earlier. As long as we take an adequate amount of whole salt, like sea salt or Himalayan pink salt, we have enough stomach acid and can digest almost anything. Just make sure to never drink during eating or take soup.
Most people didn’t learn that we need to make more stomach acid. The only way to make hydrochloric acid is through salt. When people get heartburn or acid reflux it has nothing to do with their body producing too much acid, it’s actually the opposite. I will later write about it in a special about Himalayan salt. Just for the record. Once I repaired my digestion I have never suffered from a cold again. I also hardly get diarrhea and food poisoning is impossible. Even in India or Ghana I was eating vegetables and eggs I bought in the streets without washing them. There is no problem at all. It is rather recommended to burn the food because a majority of people eats sugars and carbs, so since sugars feed bacteria it makes them more aggressive so an infection is far more likely. This is why viruses have it very easy to cause an epidemic.
For my part I know as long as I don’t consume sugar and take an adequate amount of salt I can eat everything raw.

Especially when it comes to absorbtion of nutrients, raw food is always much better. Especially when it comes to meat and eggs. Once cooked, depending on the duration of the cooking there can be up to 60% of all nutrients lost into the cooking water. So we produce all this meat and or vegetables and we cook it unusable? Then we get only a fraction of what our body needs?
In many countries where we have the healthiest people. Especially in Japan, people consume most of the meat raw. They don’t boil eggs and even horse meat will be served raw. I visited Japan several times and I was quite impressed. I usually don’t eat any fish, but once trying sashimi I was blown away. It felt very delicious. After eating an all raw meal I didn’t feel gassy or bloated. I was also not tired after eating, so something should be right about it.
Why do we eat if it makes us tired? Any logic? If it makes us bloated? I began researching. In literature you find many voices against consuming raw meat. You have the Jewish influence in science who condemn any use of bloody meat. As usual, when it comes to Jewish dominated science. It’s rather religious motives which are served with cherry picked facts. Other Muslim researchers will condemn eating raw pork as unclean but give raw beef a pass. On the other hand. “Mett” is a very common food in Germany which is usually eaten raw. It is shredded pork. So most of those claims are far-fetched. All over the world there are raw meat dishes existing. They are just not being favored by the medical industry. I’m now in a trial phase where I just eat raw beef and raw vegetables. I must say my health improved greatly. Especially after trying raw animal fat. But again this is another story. For now I just want to announce I’m switching entirely to raw food. The only exception is when I eat out with friends. Apart from that I will not let anyone burn my food. In Nature there is no animal which cookes their food. Why would we do it?


Salt and Water

2017-09-08 11:34:27

This is something I would like to share with friends and family.
Most people know that I have not had any flu for 2 years
until some time in spring of this year (2017) I had a mild flu.
I was using MMS to combat the flu before it even started,
I just got lazy with the routine. Then in March I began rethinking
the way we take minerals. I watched a video in which the author
stated that we humans consist of 80% water, but these 80% are
salt water. It has to have the same minerals as sea water. We
basically carry our own sea with us in our cells. This immediately
made sense to me. I was raised on a farm and I vividly remember
how we raised animals. I remember we had licking stones for
our horses. Using these salt stones a horse was able to live longer
and it could sustain a life without major disease.
I further checked on studies what happens with animals if you
feed them table salt, which just consists of 2 minerals.
Sodium and Chloride. Sea Salt contains 90 more minerals.
If you feed a rabbit with table salt it will die within hours.
The bigger the animal the slower the process. Real salt is an
important factor to restore vitality. Without it all the cells will
slowly loose their power and we would slightly dry out.
Whenever the body processes water there is salt necessary
for transporting it outside. During urinating or sweating the
body always looses salt. Basically the body needs sodium and
chloride to do this job. For digestion the body also needs lots
of chloride. Stomach acid consists of hydrochloric acid. This
acid also comes from the salt. If you're low on salt, stomach
problems easily come with it. Plus the digestion is not fully
extracting all the nutrients from the food.
Most important are the minerals. Those are the construction
blocks for our body. If we want full functionality our bodies are
better to be loaded with minerals. I did a lot of supplementation
before, but I had the problem, when I supplemented one mineral
the effect was great for 2 month, then I seemed to become
depleted in another mineral which was the co factor of the first
one. So I thought in order to get a perfect supply I should try
Himalayan sea salt. This is the same pink salt as the animals get
on their licking stone. While when taking table salt an amount of
5 grams can be deadly I took as much as seven grams the first week.
I then step by step refilled the body. The effect was amazing. All
my energy increased and also my skin all over the body became
totally refreshed. I'm usiing something else for that effect,
but generally my whole body is much healther.
I also take the salt together with sodium bicarbonate to alkalize the
body. These two together work like a miracle. I have not been
getting any type of infection anymore. No colds, no flu no
stomach irritation. I even quit using MMS. I'm not sure how it
would be if I still consumed any sugars. I totally abandon sugar so
viruses will not get an extra supply from the food I eat.
Now 6 months have passed and i ate 1 pound of salt every month.
No high blood pressure no side effects. Just an overall perfect health.


Sungazing today

2017-07-06 17:26:11

I just returned from an amazing sungazing session.
The fundamentals of sungazing are just keeping
yourself in a low stress condition while looking
into the sun. It is important you went to the
washroom prior to sungazing and you finished
the work on your to do list. You carry no emotional
baggage, just the feeling you like to enjoy some
sunshine. These are the basic requirements.
I just went to the park area in our apartment block.
took an empty bench and took of my t-shirt and
shoes. It is very important if you are inexperienced
with sungazing at noon that you start with a clear
sky. A cloudy sky influences the wavelength and
alters the effect on the eyes. I find it harder to look
at the sun once the sky is cloudy. My eyes prefer
absolutely clear skies. Since today is July 6th, the
Sun is very strong and is shining from the absolute
top. This will also create a lot of heat, so our current
temperature is 33 degrees Celsius.
to make sure you are able to get the full energy and
don’t loose most by blinking and just using the
dominant eye you use your hands as a binocular
until the sun is sharp and you see it with both eyes.
The hand will cause some shades so the contrast is
bigger, do this for 10 seconds then just move the
hands away. You will see a pink halo forms around
the sun and the bottom ray will go into your direction.
once you are there you can feel how your body is
charged with energy. Do it as long as you feel. Make
sure you Don’t wear shoes and touch the ground. You
need this to ground the energy. Whatever I tell you here
take it with caution. Start with short time periods. When
I started I just did it for few minutes. Now I can do it up
to 3 hours. There are many people on the internet making
claims you don’t need to eat when you sungaze. This is
not true. You probably don’t feel hunger, but UV and IR
radiation cannot replace food. Just enjoy the sunshine.
get loaded with energy and vitamins and enjoy a more
healthy life, this is what it is all about.


300km Bicycle Event Taihu China

2016-06-12 23:45:50

Congratulations to Penny.
Yesterday she mastered her 300km race around Taihu lake.
I'm proud of you baby.



Alternative Cures 1: MMS

2015-07-23 12:27:25

Some time around winter last year when I studied the uses of Hydrogen Peroxide, I stumbled upon MMS. MMS short for Miracle Mineral Supplement. Whatever I read about it sounded like a 100% scam. But I continued to Google more information about the subject. The properties were close to what I knew about H2O2 (peroxide) but the chemical reaction would be much slower and selective. Since I already successfully used H2O2 for brushing my teeth and for getting rid of nasal bacteria, I decided to give MMS a shot. I asked my friend in Germany to order it for me and send it to Shanghai. 2 Month later I had my starter kit. This contains of 2 bottles. One is Sodium Chlorite with a ”t” another one is “citric acid” I later changed to hydrochloric acid, because citric acid is somehow leading to digestive issues. Now after using MMS regularly since about 9 month I got to the following results. The last time I had a cold and I think this is even one of the most important properties MMS offers, was in September 2014. I used to have colds at least every 3 month. Before understanding PH balance even every 2 month. Now when I feel there is something itching in my throat I take 6 drops of MMS and I call it gone. One set of MMS costs just 15 Euros. For normal use it should last 1 year. Cures almost anything, so I would even claim it is the cheapest available cure on the planet. Simple cough syrup costs much more and has no proven effect. Generally, there is no proven cure; even though flu shots are a requirement in many places it’s a false claim it has any effect. Flu medication is a huge market, which generates drug makers billions of dollars. MMS could end all this. Compared to other drugs all MMS does is oxidizing the water inside the human body. Since we consist of 80% water, this water purification agent oxidizes the body. Since bacteria and especially the bad ones are all anaerobic, they will die when exposed to a high dose of oxygen. MMS also raises PH levels in the tissue, leaving no space for bacteria or parasites to survive.
The list of uses is very long and I don’t want to get too scientific here. All I can prove 100% is this stuff can stop any cold or flu from happening. If I don’t get a cold until September I will throw a big party. I came from 6 to 7 colds a year. 0 colds since 9 month are a huge improvement for me. I also completely got rid of plaque and karies. All this is a huge win. So it’s mo wonder it is forbidden in many countries by now. One of the main suppliers has been jailed in the US recently. Big Pharma does not want people to get this information. There are more amazing discoveries I made about alternative medicine. More about this topic later here on my blog.


Alternative Cures 1: MMS

2015-07-23 12:27:25

Some time around winter last year when I studied the uses of Hydrogen Peroxide, I stumbled upon MMS. MMS short for Miracle Mineral Supplement. Whatever I read about ...>>>read & comment<<<


My take on marihuana

2013-05-17 19:18:10

A lot of people discuss legalization of Marihuana,
so I thought of dropping my 2 cents.

I started smoking weed when I was 14 and I quit
be...>>read & comment<<<


My take on marihuana

2013-05-17 19:18:10

A lot of people discuss legalization of Marihuana,
so I thought of dropping my 2 cents.

I started smoking weed when I was 14 and I quit
before I was 16. During those 1 1/2 years my consumption was
quite excessive so I think I have enough insight to this subject.

For many years I was quite anti- marihuana, but over the years
I changed my opinion, because I realized by just condemning
the use of it there is no suitable solution going to be found.

Here are some of my personal statements...

The war on drugs needs to end? >
I agree

Smoking weed is good for health? >
Don't agree
Smoking is not healthy eat a brownie instead.

Less addictive than alcohol? >
Not sure. Most stoners I know spend all their time smoking. No breaks unless they run out of money.

Weed makes more intelligent? >
I don't agree. I smoked myself quite stupid and after quitting was a real change. Same as when quitting alcohol.
And I never met anybody who became significantly more stupid after quitting smoking weed.

Summary. If you like to get high occasionally, weed is great.
If you have an addictive personality don't touch it. Same
as if you have no career or you are having personal problems.
If you enjoy to be high all the time. Lazy as you wanna be.
You're moving slow mo throughout the day. enjoy.

I'm not that type of person,
but I respect other people's


Broke my record

2012-07-24 03:33:25
I finally broke my record. Yess I did it.

100 pushups in 1 set. My previous record was at 99 repeats in 1999.
Feeling like on top of my game right now :).

For everybody who didn't read my piece on no excuses,
dealing with exactly this topic.

Read here...




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