
Flashback 2022 Quarantine Hotel

2023-12-05 2:31:20

This is what happened exactly 1 year ago. I was on my way back from a meeting in Shanghai, just a few
weeks after the insane lockdowns ended. by that time the PCR test was still required. When entering
Shanghai I told the serviceperson that i don;t do PCR tests and he let me pass. Just back in Jiaxing at the
exit of the highway, they stopped me and required a Covid Test. I already kew most of the workers there, so
all of them remembered that i don't take Covid tests. Just one overambitious woman came across and she
insisted that if i don't take a test I will infect the entire city. It was already cold. It was end of November and
the oputside temperature was 8 degrees celsius. I was wwearing a T-shirt as usual. I asked them seriously. if
i were sick, could I walk around in a summer outfit? They kept me waiting. I waited and stood outside for 2
hours. Then they told me I should move to the police station. I told them no problem. They told me to follow
a car. The driver was wearing a hazmat suit. Instead of taking ne to the police station he lead me to a
quarantine hotel. I know this place because it's nearby my apartment. Once arriving, i told the person I'm not
doing any quarantine. So the man said I must. I just jumped back into my car. My passport was still with that
Long story short. I was fugitive for a week. I was blacklisted in several places so it was a hide and seek
game. Just a week later on December 6th. China dropped all Covid measures. And everybody acted as if
nothing happened.
Now one year later I walked by the quarantine hotel. They had great business during Covid. Some people
were forced to stay there for 2-3 weeks. They had to pay from their own pockets. After Covid, their business
was not so successful anymore. I guess people would only stay inside that place if they were forced to
reside there. So this week I finally saw their business was closed and the property is available for rent.
As a freedom fighter and free thinker. You can only apply force for a certain amount of time. If you apply
force make sure it is reasonable. Otherwise no matter how well you are prepared. Be sure the moment will
come and what you did will fire back on you. Covid was the biggest scam in history. The flu season was sold
to the people as a pandemic, so pharmaceutical companies could make money by selling poison, which
later will result in selling further treatments. As long as people don't think this will always happen. Still it will
backfire even more at those who caused these problems.


Update 2023-11-27 |

2023-11-27 2:46:23

We are going into December this year. A lot has happened and a lot has not happened.
This year I put in a lot of work running my company. Thing are doing extremely well.
So now it's time to make plans for 2024. So what is on the menue:
1. I'm working on a new collection for Black Bomb. This one is going to be the best ever.
3 steps up. And the last items were already very good.
2. I'm also working on a new Elmshorn collection. I'm looking for partners who want to
sell the items locally.
3. The book "Why I stopped thinking about racism" comes out as a print version
4. My second book is coming. "Not this Future"
5. A new bomb King Youtube channel is in the works. First I will upload all the old videos.
Then I will start with new projects as well. There will be a mirror Rumble account just in case.
6. In 2024 I will make a lot of trips around the world and maybe it's time to come home.
7. There are 2 more books to come. And I will publlish some new music. Maybe when I'm in
Las Vegas in February.
8. In 2024 after a 1 year break i will also return as DJ Half Dead Soul for doing shows in East China.
All my DJ salaries will be as usual donated to charities with a good cause.

Thanks for your support and the story continues.


Update 2023-01-03 | Happy New Year

2023-01-03 1:00:48

I wish everybody a great new 2023.
Let's make the best out of the new year. A new year is a new beginning and a new chance.
Let's welcome this to do great. I am very optimistic that this year will not be interrupted by political insanety as the last few years were, so let's really make the best out of it. Let's go!


Please check out my new book

2022-11-24 2:47:10

I can finally announce the release of my first book. It will be avaiable from December 1st on all
popular online shops for e books. From Amazon to Apple books.
I wrote this book because I really want to offer a different perspective on racism. On how much
nonsense is involved in this topic which is still alive to this day.
I don't care what color people have. The character of a person is what matters.
I hope you feel like this too.



Hard work pays off

2022-10-13 2:24:45

So here I am. I'm 44 years old and I'm in the best shape of my life.
How did I get here? It's not the gym it's not exercising. I have been
on the gym once since 3 month. It's all about understanding what
you are doing building strategies and being disciplined.
What I do is not magic. I just don't quit until I get to where I want to
get. I don't make excuses and I don't like shortcuts.
I actually never rest and I rarely take a day off. Now it's time for a
reintroduction, because I don't use social media. I also don't talk
a lot about what I'm actually doing. Many people know me maybe
from one stage of my life but not from the other. Maybe a lot has
happened in between.

All I can say, there is a lot of new stuff coming.
Black Bomb Clothing (New collection November 2022 / Amazon launch)
DJ Half Dead Soul Shows (Check out Lost Garden in Jiaxing China)
Asher Sommer Books (Book one will be published in December)


Reddit a political propaganda platform?

2022-07-15 12:39:40

I am on
Reddit now for around a few weeks. I already avoid Facebook, I am not on Twitter and I quit most social
media besides Instagram. I like Reddit, because they still encourage people to read and write, whereas
other platforms just live from people sharing memes and pictures of people they have never met in life. What
I dislike is the censorship and the rating systems Reddit has in place. This is already going the direction of
Chinese microblogs like Weibo.
there was a time when i really liked American social media because of it's openness and freedom towards
the users. Now it is becoming all politicized. This makes no sense. Everything becomes political. People
have politicized even public toilets. So what's next. Create more division by politicizing cereal breakfast or
lemonade? People where have we gone? You cannot even have a family sitting on a table anymore.
Everybody has those mobile distractions in their hands and each person lives in a completely different
universe. Of course division is good for business. When people all drift apart every person will consume a
different set of consumer goods. So within families, goods will no longer be reused and interchanged.
Everything will also only last a short time until it is becoming obsolete. And the trend will make sure you are
not lagging behind when a new product is released and you are now supposed to dump your older model.
Strangely it's the same people who tell you about saving the environment and reducing the carbon footprint.
All this doesn't make sense. And it is platform like Reddit who spread such division. They also push
comments which will cause a lot of rage by visitors. I just unsubscribed from their newsletter, because this
political issue is exactly what they are pushing with this newsletter tool. I don't want to be hacked. I don't
want to be emotionalized. I don't want to take sides on topics that are not worth thinking about. All I want is
to live happy. Sungaze and write once in a while about topics I really find interesting.


Here comes the heat

2022-07-13 1:16:11

Here comes the heat or better, The heat is on.
Tomorrow will be the hottest day this year. You might see on the header image that there are temperatures
showing of 41 degrees. Since this is China these values must be taken with a grain of salt. It is usually 2-3
degrees hotter than what is showing. Also when the government wants it to be colder or warmer, the
forecast will go according to government requirements and not to real values.
So we here are going to prepare for a super hot day. Also a super hot night. The nights have not been below
32 degrees since over 2 weeks. I personally love hot days. I still prefer the nights to be a lot colder. Actually
it's perfect with temperatures around 20-25 degrees as it is in Ghana. People in Africa don;t know how great
their climate is. I can only repeat myself. So i wish everybody a great summer. I will find a way to get
somewhere to a beach. I really need some water. Salt water :). I was told humans cannot drink salt water.
Since 3 years this is all I drink. Distilled water with sea salt.


Quick update

2022-06-07 1:59:17
Hi Everybody,
The Shanghai lock down is over. I was personally not affected by the draconian measures. I live in the
neighboring city to Shanghai. Luckily our lock down was shorter. I strongly condemn lock down measures
and I will not shut my mouth that such measures are not used to combat any virus. They are used to
strengthen the government's use of violence. This is not limited to China. It is worldwide. There is no deadly
virus going on. If people can read statistics. The mortality is exactly the same as in every flu season. In
Shanghai this time there were zero death related to Covid. So this was just a ghost hunt. Sadly enough a lot
of old people died. In China it's the family who cares about the elderly. In this case a lot of people were
locked down into their buildings so nobody could reach them. They were unable to come downstairs to pick
the food deliveries from the government. So they died in their upstairs apartments.
Whenever such measures are in place they will not easily be rolled back. So beware of what powers your
grant your governments. The government does not own the people. We the people are supposed to won the
government. The politicians job is only to serve us.


My 44th Birthday

2022-05-05 0:52:53

Birthday pics

Click here to see my birthday pics.
Unfortunately all my friends are still locked up in Shanghai, so Penny and I did our small celebration here in
Jiaxing. Today the weather was phenomenal so I was able to sungaze for some hours. Greetings and thanks
to all the people who have sent me messages from all over the world.


Back On Instagram

2022-02-09 16:40:45
It took a little while I haven't been on any social media platforms. For some platforms. it's because I left.
"Facebook" for example. I didn't like the way they brainwash people by creating their customized content.
You cn scroll below and read my entire post about it. Other platforms have de-platformed me. Linkedin for
I am a very honest person. Maybe too honest for Bill Gates, the owner of Linkedin, who is pushing his own
agenda there. For whatever is going to happen. I will just do what I want to do. I don't care if people dislike
me because of some content. I am just an honest person. I am a freethinker. i tend to think outside of the
box sometimes. If you like this. Then follow me on Instagram.
On the other hand we all know that this might be only available for a limited amount of time.The chance is
high they will delete me again. it happened once before.

Otherwise also get me on telegram https://t.me/AsherSommer


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