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News ![]() Happy Birthday Penny2021-11-12 1:17:37![]() I do not comply had my Instagram account2021-11-03 17:05:05![]() I just started a new Instagram account last week. I added some sungazing pictures and some words about happiness. Then I posted what you see as the title picture of this post. The reason why. Here in China now you cannot even throw trash away without scanning a QR code. So I did write I do not comply. I guess the same day Facebook changed the name to Meta, they didn’t find my message funny. I tried to login the next day. I was not able to log in. It was showing I violated their terms. A link was showing below the message. After clicking they were showing me the terms which I supposedly violated. “Your account has been disabled for not following our terms. You won’t be able to log into this account and no one else will be able to see it. Some things we don’t allow include artificially collecting likes, followers or shares, posting repetitive content or repeatedly contacting people for commercial purposes without their consent.” So here is my point. I did not follow anybody at that time and I myself had zero followers. how does any of the above apply to me? I cannot collect likes with zero followers. I cannot contact people for commercial purposes with zero followers. None of that applies here. When dealing with facebook. They don’t have a service center. They don’t have a customer service hotline. They don’t reply to emails. The only way of communication they have are automated messages. I do not comply and I mean it. Non compliance seems to be such a big deal for companies like facebook. Let me tell you why. It’s the right to say “No”. The right to opt out. These big tech fascist companies are not interesting to offer such an option. The only option they grant is to choose between different products of theirs. The same for the terms of business. Either accept or specify details otherwise no way to negotiate. This can’t be called a choice. Matter of fact many of their services already become mandatory to use for our daily life. My proposal, we the people should push these companies to comply with our human rights as well. What is happening now is where the government meets the corporations. We saw this before in Nazi Germany. The corporations provide the technology so that the government can solidify their power. The question is why? As long as we live in democracies, we the people should have a final say, about what the government is allowed to do and what not. Yet we are still too busy with entertainment, can’t think straight and numb our senses with whatever comes our way. To be contibued Share: ![]() New Video Ashblog 11h sungazing2021-10-20 12:49:00![]() https://www.bitchute.com/video/cjlWgmUGIF9h/ As every year I went for a whole day sun gazing session on October 1st. This day is the national holiday in China and through weather manipulation we know that this holiday is 100% safe to have blue skies and pure sunshine. I started at 5 o clock in the morning and finished at 5pm. There is no way to get more sunlight and happiness into your system. Share: ![]() New Video account on bitchute2021-10-14 1:12:54![]() it's been 2 month that google locked me out from my youtube accounts. I contacted them several times. to resolve the issue. They always said they give me 4 weeks to re-apply. it's a joke. So for everybody here. Check and subscribe to my new channel on Bitchute. www.bitchute.com/channel/ENfayTrdrcXs/ Share: ![]() Black Bomb new collection.2021-10-11 21:02:34![]() The new Black Bomb collection is finally available. Just click here or go to www.blackbomb.com. Many new interesting styles. So go and check it out. Share: ![]() Fresh Look and new Posts2021-10-11 20:56:49
The fall weather has arrived and it's time to apply some seasonal changes. Things are generally changing so I
updated the website. I just needed a format which is more suitable for posting regularly. So here we go. Make it a bit closer to my old Facebook profile. I decided to not come back to facebook. So if you want my updates they are right here. Greetings to all my great friend all around this world. Share: ![]() Update 2021-08-19 |2021-08-19 2:30:42![]() Please watch this Video. If you haven't subscribed to Ashblog, do it now. I am not an anti vaxxer. Actually I took every vaccine out there before covid. I just want everybody to look at the facts. If this vaccine would help we would see an effect and would not need to go for the 3rd shot instead. A real working vaccine requires no censorship, no fear campaign, no door to door mandates. Remember polio? People were actually healed and happy. Does this happen now? Ashblog Video Share: ![]() Update 2021-07-22 | summer time2021-07-22 0:44:55![]() New Black Bomb collection out now (re-po2021-05-07 0:50:07![]() Sorry for the bad link. Here we go. Black Bomb Spring Summer 2021 is out now. www.blackbomb.com this collection was inspired in part by the movie "First Blood". You are welcome to have a look and buy some nice product Share: ![]() Update 2021-04-08 | Covid 19 - 21 and be2021-04-08 22:50:37![]() I find it quite weird how many people believe the story of the virus. By now everybody has had it. One way or another. Yet nobody is doing any research. How many death have there been any other year? What is the average death rate in a regular year? Does 2020 have an extreme spike in deaths compared to 2019 or earlier? Why does everybody die in a hospital and not at home? Why do you still need to wear a mask after you have gotten the vaccine? Why do people believe masks work, when most viral infections come through the ears? Why doesn’t anybody recommend sunbathing, since it has been proven that Vitamin D is what prevents people from getting sick in summer? Why are the numbers down, since Donald Trump is no longer president? Why do politicians believe a surveillance app and restricting people’s freedoms is the only solution? Why is nobody talking about how companies like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Danone, Kraft, Mars, Nabisco, and others sell food that is only effective in destroying people’s immune systems? Why does nobody talk about the sugar consumption per capita and the resulting cases of disease and compromised immunity? Why is Bill Gates so interested in this Pandemic? Who do we listen to Bill Gates, when he is not a medical doctor rather a software salesman? Why does nobody care if Bill Gates involved, when he can sell a vaccine, which when used once must be taken again and again for a whole lifetime. 3-4 shots a year at 50$. Multiplicate this times 7 billion people. 1.4 trillion $ annually? Does anybody see there is a problem? Share: ![]() Update 2021-04-01 | new projects2021-04-01 4:10:32![]() Hey everybody, this is an update after some time. I am now 2 Month gone from social media. I personally will not come back to use Facebook. Black Bomb is back on Instagram IG: blackbombclothingco Please go there and like. Right now I'm preparing for the Black Bomb Spring Summer launch. There will be a fashion show in Shanghai additionally in April, so stay tuned. I have updates about sungazing on youtube. Check out for my Asher Sommer channel. New Music is also coming. Check out. HDS One Life to Live on youtube. More on the bombkingghettorec channel. Share: ![]() My last post on my facebook account2021-01-07 9:10:39![]() This is my last post on this facebook account. By the end of the day I will delete all my accounts. I might open another one, but only for business and communication. We are approaching a very stupid time. So stupid that a simple heart like this here will be re-labeled a symbol of hate. We have forces that will make a heart change into a symbol of oppression, of gender suppression a long term symbol of exclusion for homosexuals, queers and transhumans. A symbol of an old flesh and bone imperfect type of body. It's not vegan, It's not CO2 conform. And last but not least the heart symbol is outdated in regards of hygiene. From now on we favor sterility. Sterility means we do social distancing, we wear masks, we unfriend problematic friends, we have factcheckers, we will get a social points system too. It will make it much more convenient for them to remind us what is right or wrong. All powered by AI. So no need to use our own brains anymore. Let's become obsolete just like this heart. Call every person who has a little love left in their heart for their friends, their family, their country racists. Everybody who still has a dream an egomaniac. We are nearing a time of thought policing of thought crimes. Books will be burned and content is being removed from the internet. First only things which could have quaestionable origina, later anything against corporate and state interest will be subject of censorship. A simple heart will become the symbol of hatred in a woke environment. I do refuse to label myself left or right winger. I am not a conservative, But for the mainstream which moves further to the left I am already a right winger. Thais is all going into the wrong direction. All I ever did. I love freedom and all my choices are based on freedom and love. Once some authoritarian system is selling us security for giving up our rights, I am not part of this. Never will. Share: ![]() The fake virus vaccine is finally here2020-12-19 15:14:41![]() 2020 is the magical point in my life where I finally need to say humans are just lemmings. I can’t help them and I will not waste any more second of my life helping others. I must face facts. There is a rumor of a virus. This rumor is being spread worldwide by all media platforms. There is not a single media outlet with a different opinion. Every person with a running nose will be counted as infected and the numbers will be left on the screen for 3-5 month, even when most people recover within one week. The real number of death is shown in small letters. Almost non recognizable. The death rate is minimal Below 0,001%. Ergo less dangerous than the average flu. Read any statistic in any country and exactly this is what you see. A regular flu season takes 3 Month. From December to February everybody will be infected once and a week later everybody will be immune. This times I must give congratulations to the politicians. Good Job, you did the best by using lock downs to keep the flu season around for an entire year. Of course and only because of this the number of deaths is higher. The amount of deaths from flu stayed constant on the level of the winter months. What people don’t understand. The annual rate of death in any country around the world is quite constant, unless there is a war or famine. It’s usually around 1%. This will remain unchanged in 2020. There is no incredible amount of deaths. Also the disease only seems to strike on people over the age of 60. Or people who are already hospitalized suffering from other diseases. Usually diabetes or cancer. Those who are dying younger are extremely unhealthy and obese. Also here, during any flu season, those are the most like people to die. This is not news. Now there is the solution coming in the form of a vaccine. For a disease, which is less deadly than the common flu? Then everybody will receive the shot and then the virus mutates? Just like any flu any given year? A new type of vaccine with an RNA modificating formula? Seriously? A never before tested vaccine, different from any other type of vaccine used in the past, which will genetically modify our genes? From the virus alone we might see death rates of 0.1%. It might be deadlier than the “Corona” fake pandemic / flu. It costs on average between 50-80$. They push everybody to take the first shot. What they don’t say it’s the first shot of many to come. We don’t even know how many. Let me tell you here. We are no longer using common sense. People are too lazy to think. Nobody researches. Many people are even happy. Happy they can stay at home. Why do you think Playstation 5 is being delivered out just in time for the dark winter. Share: ![]() The fake virus vaccine is finally here2020-12-19 15:11:54![]() 2020 is the magical point in my life where I finally need to say humans are just lemmings. I can’t help them and I will not waste any more second of my ...>>>read & comment<<< Share: ![]() Book Recommendation. Klaus Schwab Covid-2020-11-18 7:59:17![]() Against joe Biden and Censorship2020-10-15 17:29:19![]() This piece of **** Joe Biden. This man could rape a 6 year old black kid on live TV, smoke a crack pipe and call everybody nigga and still get away with it. The media would straight cancel all the accounts of people who would dare to share the information. Then call everybody who is not TV braindead conspiracy theorists. Who in a sane mind votes for such a guy? There is full censorship going on. Not even President Trump is excluded from it. Don't you see what is going on? The President is not in charge of the country. The real owners of the United States are installing their puppet in front of your eyes. A real candidate does not need censorship. A real candidate wins by delivering the right concepts. This loosers only campaign strategy is I am not Donald Trump. Wallstreet, the media and China want me to become President, so vote for me. If people vote for this bureacrat who sat in Washington for over 40 years of his life doing nothing. Who will just sign anything the wallstreet wants him to do. If you don't love freedom and you want another 10 yeats of corona lockdowns, then go and vote for ths looser. If I would write this and I would be living in the United States, Facebook would suspend my account for 30 days. This is also not about Trump. This is about the people. Us. The people who want to live in freedom and thrive. The people who still want their own dreams. Who still want to talk face to face. If we don't act now, We will only have conversations on video app.s We will get advertisements via neuralink into our dreams. Our whole reality will be controlled by the banks. We cannot decide what we ant to spend our money for. They can just charge us anytime, even for the air we breathe. Share: ![]() Police Brutality (George Floyd comment)2020-05-31 8:22:01![]() I was not sure if I do this. But I think it's the right thing to do. I was the victim of police brutality in my hometown in Germany multiple times. I was ending up handcuffed. I was put into custody several times and I spent time in jail, I was beaten and abused because of police brutality. The law in Germany is clear. if you go to court, the person who has more witnesses is more likely to win. A police officer has more weight than a civilian. The police brutality happens, because within police departments they form gangs. They go out together and bully people. In the case in USA, where policemen go out and shoot black people. It is not the white people who hate black people. Those policemen who commit the crimes are gangs inside the police. The police in the USA is armed to the teeth. So it's no wonder why police gangs go out and use those guns. This has nothing to do with the color of people's skin. There are also as many black policemen committing the same crimes. Just because of selective reporting, this will not be shown in the media. The problem is that bullies like to become policemen. People who have inferiority complexes but once put in a uniform they can become authorities. This does not mean all policemen are bullies. The majority does a decent job. They are helpful and just want to do the best they can. Just because some policemen commit a horrible crime, it does not mean that all policemen are evil. Then to blame it on skin color also makes no sense. If whites hated non whites so much. Why don't we see any Chinese or lets say South Indians who are as black as Africans shot and killed? Because they are not brainwashed by the media into a "Fuck The Police" state of mind. It makes no sense to riot in the streets and cause damage to innocent people. If the people want to show discontent, they should demonstrate at that particular police office or at the courthouse where the people who caused the mess work. What again is happening is a media Psy op. Emotionalize one group of people and then let them fight the other group. While the hidden hand in the background (The people who own the media) always profits from the chaos. Frank Derdak with his colleagues Tiedemann, Hansen and Oestreich have bullied me for several years. Until I had to leave the country after a final confrontation. After everything that happened I do not hate people with white skin color. I do not hate people who's name is Frank and for all these things that happened I don't hold anybody responsible apart from Officer Frank Derdak. It were his actions, not the actions of every white person on this planet Share: ![]() Penny partcipating in her first marathon2019-11-26 5:13:36![]() I can't say enough how proud I am. Penny ran her first marathon this weekend and she cam in at place 96 out of 3000 people who ran the whole 42km distance. I am so proud of her and this is also a motivation for me to push my own boundaries. Big thanks to all the people who commented on my facebook to send their congratulations to Penny. Share: ![]() My Website is back2019-11-25 4:53:53![]() It’s been a while since I last posted here. There is a reason why. My server was full and not accepting any more data. Yesterday I upgraded to 100GB, so now there should be lots of space. I will from now on upload more photos and other personal things on this website. Long term I plan my exit from Facebook and other social media platforms, since it’s just a matter of time once they charge penalties for people who do not share the mainstream’s opinions. Freedom of speech is more important to protect than ever. When I came to China this was the only country which was restricting free speech. By now it is becoming worldwide practice. I will come with more articles concerning this topic. First of all I want everybody to know that I’m back on my website. Share: ![]() Midsummer 20192019-06-26 9:35:23![]() hi everybody, we had a great trip to the north of China for midsummer this year Located at the border to Russia we went to Mohe and to Beijicun, the northernmost village and town in China respectively. The place is on the same latitude as northern Germany. Since we are now having the Monsoon rains in East China, it was a welcome change of location. Especially since we have been in an environment where the day and night has equal length for most of the year, we were able to experience sunlight until late evening hours. my original plan was to go on further into Russia, but due to long waiting time for Visas, we had to limit our trip to China. A best of video will be online soon on my youtube channel. Share:
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Meet me on: ![]() I am no longer on facebook I do not support censorship. ![]() My Youtube is still existing I just don't have access to google anymore. ![]() Meet me on Bitchute instead ![]() Meet me on Telegram ![]() Meet me on Instagram ![]() | |||