
Chinese Year of the Rabbit

2011-02-04 04:08:37

We are just celebrating the Chinese New Year here. Yesterday with plenty of firecrackrers and large family dinners. Not too different from it's European counterpart. Only that the date varies, since the Chinese New Year is due according to the lunar calendar (Moon phase). Just like easter holidays or example. Anyway. I'm enjoying my 10 days of holidays and will be back to Shanghai after that.


Happy 2011

2011-01-10 03:50:56
Heyy guys I know I'm a bit late here,

but better late than never.

2010 was a good year. So lets make the best out of 2011.
I wish all of you good health and a happy time.
I will also try my best to keep you updated here.
New pictures and new functions will make this site more interesting.
I'm not gonna give all of my info to facebook. This is my page
and here you're getting all info's about me first.

Asher Sommer 2011


My take on tolerance

2010-11-22 16:04:41

Generally I am an avid defender of freedom. No matter if it's freedom of choice or freedom of speech. let there be freedom. A big part of freedom is tolerance....>> read & comment<<<


New Photos

2010-10-07 13:14:31
New Pics Thursday, October 7, 2010 13:14:31 Heyy Freeks, got some new photos online. I'm putting all my summer pics online 1 by one. So check often to get to see all. more here


Magazine Cover Stallo and kim Jong Il

2010-10-07 12:35:03

Stallone and Kim Jong Il sharing the same magazine cover. Title 2 guys who's time is still not over....>> read & comment<<<


Halal & Kosher

2010-08-28 14:18:26

I am somebody who eats in restaurants quite often. Even though I have some foods I favor and also there are a lot of foods that I don't eat I am generally not limiting myself to any type of food. As long as I like it I will eat. Since I'm a big fan of a lot of Turkish and Middle Eastern food I'm used to eat there quite frequent. I used to. Unless I discovered more and more places writing Islam or Muslim on their signboard. Now I start seeing all these halal labels as window stickers. It reminds me of Jewish restaurants with a kosher sticker in New York. So what's next? Segregated restaurants? Jews please go left? Christians to the right and Muslims use the room clearly heading towards Mecca. Atheists, yeah atheists to the basement. Since you are all going to hell and others feel uncomfortable about your presence. Downstairs please. Then we can also offer different table types, just in case visitors are Indian. Divide into different caste levels. Very soon problems will come up and Irish Catholics will beg to be as far away as possible from Protestants. Or Sunni and Shiite Muslims get against each others. And what to do with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses? Will they request their own food standards? And where do scientologists fit in? Do you smell chaos? I do! Does it make our lives better? I just see it brings back segregation like it was practiced in the US and South Africa. Only on a voluntary basis. My personal decision is to avoid those places. Whenever I see a halal or kosher label they shouldn't get my money.


Expo African Restaurant

2010-08-16 19:20:09

This weekend i finally made it to the expo site. Of ...>> read & comment


Foreigners in Shanghai

2010-07-13 19:40:53

Shanghai has a very diverse ran...>>read & comment<<<


Chinese people are small

2010-06-21 23:54:16

Just heard people Saying Chinese people are small. Hmm. Might be right on ...>>read & comment<<<



2010-06-09 02:49:28

Heyy guys here are some updates on the Shanghai skyline I would like to share.


Apple i-God

2010-06-07 03:15:42

I don't need anything Apple Thanks. No I-phone, No I-pad. Keep that overpriced shit for yourselves. And i don't need I-God Jobs in my life. I have a PC.


Summer in the city

2010-06-05 03:22:14

It's summer now and things are running fine. So now I wanna share this Shanghai noon moment with you.


Worst advert ever

2010-06-05 03:02:09

Maybe the worst Rolex advert ever. They had those all along the road. Up to Shanghai stadium.


Burger King e-bike delivery

2009-12-28 04:30:57

Last month we had KFC Delivery Service. Now I have the exclusive picture of the Shanghai only Burger King delivery e-bike service.

From a Bomb King to a Burger King. You guys make the best mainstream burgers in the world.


Happy New Year

2009-12-25 04:50:26

Happy Celebration y'all and a happy New Year. I was a bit busy for some weeks. Now that most of the jobs are done I need to take some time to post some new pics. A lot of stuff is already queueing.


Half Dead Soul - Stereo

2009-12-10 04:11:04

Bandnew Video. Animation made by Asher Sommer


Words Of Wisdom: dont hate the player

2009-12-06 03:05:00

Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Benedict Fosu

2009-11-03 03:26:20

It's already a year my brother. Today 1 year ago Benedict Fosu left us. We will never forget you. I never met a positive person as you are in my life. No matter how hard things went, you vere never a pessimist. This is an ability that I always admired you for. Now looking back, there should be a Benedict Fosu in all of us.

Asher Sommer



c4d art 2

2009-11-02 00:56:56

A bit late, but was sick for 2 days. How about some creepy Helloween graphics. Built this with Cinema4D, maybe will have an animated version ready for next year.


KFC e-bike delivery

2009-11-01 21:09:24

I guess you haven't seen this before. KFC delivery service. Special e-bike delivery service only available in China. And guess what MC Donalds does it too. More updates later.


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