
Half Dead Soul - Last Exit After Barstow

2012-05-04 12:34:47

I just completed a new project and thought about sharing this with you.
You will already recognize it's based on the photos we shot on our trip
to Las Vegas. I just thought It goes well along with this Jazz tune I created.
I used my Fruity Loopz software to create it, No Samples of other records.
All melodies I played myself. And I mixed it together to give it a real
Jazz feel.

Judge for yourself.



May 12th Penny and Ash Wedding

2012-04-30 01:40:41

Heyy folks, we are going to have our wedding on May 12th in Yixing, China.
We are welcoming everybody who likes to attend. If you need any help
with organizing flights or directions to the place. Please contact me here on
the site >here<<

For everybody who cannot attend. If you have a camera at hand. I would be
very happy if you could record a video message (preferably 640x480px) which
we can later play on the video screen. Language doesn't matter.

Thank you Asher & Penny

Hey Leute, wir werden am 12.Mai in Yixing China unsere Hochzeit feiern.
Jeder der die Möglichkeit hat zu kommen ist herzlich willkommen.
Wenn ich helfen kann wegen Flügen und anderen Informationen,
bitte mich >hier<< kontakten.

Für alle die nicht anwesend sein können. Wenn ihr eine Kamera zur
Hand habt. Bitte nehmt einen Videogruss auf, den wir dann später
auf der Leinwand spielen werden.Wenn möglich Format (640x480px).
es ist egal in welcher Sprache .

Vielen Dank

Penny und Asher


Las Vegas

2012-04-19 01:53:07

This is the final round of our USA 2012 pictures. Viva Las Vegas.
We attended the Magic trade show, which used to be the biggest fashion trade show in the world. Still a great place to check out. After we tried to reach the Grad Canyon, but we went out of time. Just had 6 hours to go back to Los Angeles to catch our flight the next day. Anyway. We will see the Grand Canyon in 2013. We will be back.


San Diego Pics

2012-04-14 15:02:04

Our San Diego Pics have been added to our USA 2012 gallery. Enjoy...

Special thanks to Ace & Dawn for giving us a great time in San Diego.

And special greetinxx to Aliyah and Tiyana.



Los Angeles Pics Vol.2

2012-04-06 10:39:39

Allright, we now proceed with the second round of LA Pics.
This will take a tour through Compton, Beverly Hills, Corona,
Long Beach and Hollywood.

Big thanks to my Uncle Kwadwo.




Los Angeles Pics Vol.1

2012-03-26 02:11:57

Hey dudes, I finally uploaded the 1st volume of photos we shot
on February 5th, when we arrived in L.A. So let me share this
amazing scenery. We are beginning with East L.A. and
China town. Big thanks to my cousin Kwame Nkrumah, who
showed us all these places.


Atlanta 2012

2012-03-12 02:52:06

Heyy guys, its time for some pics.
In this first round Penny and I reached Atlanta
our first stop. We were living with our longtime
friend and business partner Ben.
Big thanks here.
I was quite impressed seeing such a clean place
in the US. Since I have mostly been staying in
New York and New Jersey when I traveled to
the States. The weather was good compared
to our cold temperatures in Shanghai.
In Atlanta we had daily temperatures around
15-20 degrees Celsius, So it was quite a
difference. And what did we do for nightlife?
We did what ATLiens do. Going to the strip
club. Unfortunately they had a no photos policy.

So I have nothing to share on that part.

Anyway, check here to get your impression...

...Next up is the first round of LA pics....


Back from Cali

2012-03-02 00:32:32

Heyy what's new. I'm back. Had an awesome trip to the US. I was just better than I expected. After being back to Shanghai I went back to my 24h a day working routine.
I think the best that I can do in February apart from traveling to a warmer place. I love Shanghai but it's one of the places I least want to be in February. It's just grey 7 days a week. So I'll be back to work for now. There is still March on the schedule. Another disgustingly cold month. But I'm lucky. I have loads of work to do. I see everybody in April...


Happy Holidays

2011-12-21 23:00:42

Hey folks, it's been a crazy year.

But I take it easy these days.

As every year we have a new episode of my
Santa Claus cartoon.

So click here and enjoy.


Canada Trip Photos

2011-12-18 02:31:52

I am Baaack.

Lets say back since 2 weeks. But fuck man yeah.
This was a trip. 7 days in a rented Xiandai (Hyundai)
Accent. Probably not the right machine for a trip through
mountains, snow and mad icy roads.. But heyy. I made it.
Mileage at quite impressive levels. I did.

Wait. 5200km in 7days. The earth totally measures
12570km around the Aequator. The rantal company
thought there was something wrong with the meter.
Haha :D.

During those 7 days I slept a total of 20 hours. Mostly
during my two stays. One around Lethbridge and one
in Saskatoon. Thanks to my 3rd degree couz Walter.

Then heading back to Van City.

An impressive trip.

My maybe most valuable lesson I learned is maybe
understanding what my father liked about Canada.

On the way to Peace valley, his than place of choice
during the 80s and 90s. Damn. I was there in Summer
before. But nothing beats the scenery in Winter.
And I'm honest I normally hate Winter. Unfortunately
i was only equipped with my lousy mobile cam.
Left the Canon for luggage reasons at home.

But better bad photos than no photos.

You agree???

Check for yourself>>


RIP Heavy D

2011-11-10 02:28:32

RIP Heavy D,

The whole Africa will miss you. No family party in Africa without
at least playing Big Daddy once..

Heavy D might have not been hot in the US at late,
but in Africa this man could fill soccer stadiums.

To all the haters. you probably need to learn more
about Hip-Hop.

Without Heavy D, a lot won't have happened.
And the fact he brought us his cousin Pete is enough
contribution to the game.

Nobody was able to bridge Hip-Hop and Dancehall as
heavy did. "Dem no worry we" One of my fav tunes of all times.

You'll be missed.



Steve Jobs

2011-10-08 05:05:21
What the hell is wrong with people.

Is everybody totally stupid???

Steve Jobs ain't nothing but a computer sales guy. there are ppl who compare him to Einstein or Thomas Edison. Ultimate fail. Steve Jobs invented nothing. He just bought patents and ripped of his friends who had great ideas.



2011-09-28 02:38:55

I read this somewhere. And it perfectly fits.

"A smart person makes a new mistake every day.
A stupid person makes the same mistake every day.
Only the lazy and the cowardly don't make mistakes at all."


Rest In Peace - I am pround to be your s

2011-07-26 12:42:43

I don't know what to say and I'm still speechless.

All I can say is.

I'm proud to be his son. You were my best friend i...>>read & comment<<<


Europe is not a continent

2011-07-26 12:30:35

Europe is not a continent

I’m now living in Asia for more than 4 years. A new life in a new cultural environment with different languages and traditions, on a very different continent. Wait! Different continent? I was in many different pl...>>read & comment<<<


Black Gays

2011-07-04 03:26:26

Black people and gay bashing.

Another day. Another agenda going out of control. Once visiting hip-hop or reggae web forums, where the members are mostly black, you will find an ever-increasing number of anti gay rants. Starting with the ty...>>read & comment<<<


Bad Cops Video Game

2011-06-20 00:17:45

My first venture into video games. This one actually is a flash game.

The story is based on a true story. basically the times before I came to
China in a fun view. Just dedicated this one to the police in Elmshorn City
who helped giving me this special treatment.

Click here to have a try and win a 10 Euro gift certificate for the
newly opened Bomb King shop.

click here to enter>>



Beijing trip

2011-06-15 04:11:38

On Board of the world's fastest train. The bullet train. We made our trip to Beijing.
See part one of the photos here >>


R.I.P. Captain Daniel and Nate Dogg

2011-03-19 02:33:19

Damn, the only happy thing is that this week is over. This was not a good week. Lost one very special friend that influenced me in a lot of ways. Daniel Kawecki. Simple as that. Before I met him I was no freak. He was that guy ppl would cal a bad influence. But if you really knew him then he was just a guy who knows what freedom means and he lived it without compromises.

Rest in peace my friend.

The second person is Nate Dogg. This man had soul. He was the voice of Westcoast rap. He may have been living up his lifestyle way too much, which resulted in bad health. But no matter what his legacy will live on. All of the songs he sang the hooks for are undisputed classics. Nate on a hook and you had a hit. You will truely be missed.


Chinese New Year the pics

2011-02-19 04:33:06

Heyy folks,
Chinese New year is over and I have some pics to share with you.
Click here.


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